For Those Who Are Hurting

I know that a lot of times prayer alone doesn’t change things, but sometimes prayer changes people, and people change things.  This prayer is born out of a belief that all people deserve an opportunity to experience joy and happiness in their lives.  At the same time I can’t deny that spiritual violence is real and that it has a profound impact.

“Father, we pray for clarity of mind – that we may know in our hearts what is right from wrong. We pray for healing that all people may be well in mind, body and spirit. We pray for forgiveness to seek all actions with a clear conscious – not just for the good of ourselves, but for the welfare of our whole community.

We pray for compassion, that the apathy, anger and frustration of this place might be replaced with patience, care and a willingness to try to understand despite however large obstacles in our own life might appear. To know that even if we don’t have much to give, every opportunity we take to show kindness and respect for others gives a new lease on life to someone else who may feel as though they have nothing left to lose.

We know this work is sometimes thankless, but that it is important nonetheless.

We pray for love, and that those who don’t know love might find it. For each person to understand that it is okay to admit they need help and they don’t have to shoulder the burdens of life alone. We pray that each person will know and value their own self worth and the worth of others.

We did not ask for it, we could not have earned it but each day is given to us as a gift. Help us see that obstacles in our path are not punishment, but challenges that will ultimately help us become the best we can be.

In your name we pray, to strengthen our resolve in using our own hands to make this world a better place.”

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